The industry links on this page provide the highest quality of intelligence for logistics professionals interested in advancing their understanding of the supply chain. Please check back with us frequently and be sure to send us some feedback.
Dan Gilmore has established perhaps the most important supply chain news source in our industry today. Sign up for the weekly newsletter. The insight is always thought provoking and intelligent.
DC Velocity is one of the most respected news journals within the North American supply chain industry. Their on-line archives are available going back to 2003.
Reed Business Information (RBI) publishes this magazine and on-line publication which is one targeted to the leaders in the supply chain industry. Subscription required.
The Warehouse Education and Research Council allows you to sign up for a free membership to access materials which provide an endless supply of educational material for anyone interested in the warehousing industry.
The Association for Supply Chain Management (formerly APICS) provides a forum for people who seek knowledge in operations management, including production, inventory, supply chain, materials management, purchasing, and logistics.
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals is an organization that attracts a more diverse range of supply chain professionals and many of the publications feature important learnings from actual case studies.
Supply Chain Canada provides a forum for Canadian logistics professionals to gather and meet across the country. Membership is required to access site content.